Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week #6 and End Of Challenge

This was the weight today. This is the last weight check point of the 6 week challenge to loose my gut. :-) From 165 to 152, that was 13 pounds. Now the challenge is to keep it off and keep in shape. The work is never done.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Weight Update

As last week I was stuck in 156-155. I guess the body already got used to the diet and exercise, so I increased the workout to one more mile per run.

I had already reached the 155 at 4 miles so that was great. Now the challenge was to loose even more in the remaining 3 weeks of the challenge. Seems like the extra mile per day helped big time.

As of Sunday morning, my official weight was 153.0 that is a 12 lb drop. As you can imagine this makes me very happy. I am very satisfied with the results and looking forward to more pounds to loose.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sorry, I have not posted anything for a couple of days, but I have been busy with other thing, but I have been trying to stay on track..

Seem like I am stuck at 156-157 weight keep fluctuating between those two numbers. Still pretty good tough but it looks like I will need to start adding more workouts to kill that last pound.  I haven't check my weight since Sunday, so tomorrow I hope to have dropped to a solid 155.. or at least still be at 156.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week #3 Weight Check #1

I have been busy at home and work so I haven't been able to add anything to the blog. Even today I almost forgot to post the weight check.

As of this morning my weight is 156.5. Wooohooo.. Looks like I will hit my target weight by this weekend. and will go even further with 3 more weeks to go. :-)

Very happy about the results so far..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week #2 Official Weight Check

Today is Sunday and the next official weight check for me. this is the reading right before I left for my 8 mile run this morning.

I have loss 8 official pounds. Looks like I have been doubling the target goal per week of 2 pounds.. Woohooo. Very nice. I am extremely happy about this.. looks like I will be reaching my goal very soon and in half the time I had estimated. That is if I continue to stick to the plan.  This week was a bit tough to stick to the meal plan. With a BBQ and Birthday dinner with cake. However I was able to drop some weight.  Last week Sunday's check had me at 162, today 157.5 . This was a nice boost for me while doing my run.

Happy, happy, happy, what can I say, all the hard work it's paying off.

Week #2 Day 6

Saturday was a good day. Breakfast was a light bowl of cereal. We went to Orchard Beach to hangout, parking is free.. ;-)/// walked by the beach and then Jocelyn decided to go find shells and throw rock to the water. On our way out we stopped at the playground where she had a blast while swinging and learning new ways to play.

Lunch/Dinner was heavy and not proud of it, but its all in the past now.. lol I had a #3 meal from McDonalds with a sprite which if you ask me was more water than anything else. Usually I would get #4 which is a double qt pounder. :-) after that we really didn't eat anything.. till around 8 or so when Jocelyn asked for pizza bagels.. so I picked a bit before I started doing the Chest & Back routine from the P90X sessions.

I weighted myself right before going to sleep just to see how much damage that McD's meal had caused. The reading was 160.5 lbs. mmmm not bad, but not that good either. On top of this, I noticed that when I am home I do not drink as much water as I do when I am at work.. can't really figure that one out yet. I guess that is something I will be working on as I go.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Week #2 Day 5

After a heavy meal for dinner last night  surprisingly I didn't gain any weight. I was afraid the tacos and cake will make me gain some. Today I changed the menu a bit, well my wife helped...

For breakfast I had a chocolate bagel twist from dunking donuts with coffee. I didn't have cereal. I also noticed that I haven't been drinking as much coffee as before. I usually get a 20oz cup of coffee but all week long I have only been drinking about half of it.. not intentionally...  took two 160z cups of water and a small banana I call them baby bananas.. they are so tinny.. by 11am.